Sunday, December 30, 2012

Living life, the ipad and knitting some along the way

To say it has been a while since a post would be putting it mildly. :)
I haven't given blogging much thought over the past two years. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed reading and keeping up with the blogs of others. I've been thinking, maybe I should consider taking part in the blogging world, if for nothing else I would be creating a journal entry from time to time. To me the joy of a journal is to record your thoughts, dreams and life's activities....the freedom of writing about whatever you so desire without concern over revising and editing. Which will be difficult for me to do...I find myself worrying over punctuation and grammar before pressing "publish". So, let me go ahead and acknowledge there will be mistakes along the way. Perhaps, I'll follow punctuation and grammar rules or maybe not.

Our family has enjoyed a very busy holiday season.
First of all, on the second day of our break we hosted and celebrated my parents' 50th wedding anniversary with a reception. It was very lovely and we all enjoyed the fellowship of family and old friends. It was a very special day for my parents.

Our family was asked to light the Advent candles at the Christmas Eve service. So, we let each child choose the candle and scripture reading they would prefer and then we diligently practiced the readings. We didn't consider the logistics of holding the microphone, lighter and scripture cards. Nothing like trying to get the flicker lighter to work while a hundred plus people are watching. We managed to light all four of the Advent candles and Christ candle without knocking over the candelabra. Yea! After the service we had a quiet Christmas Eve gathering at our home. More good food and family fun.

Christmas day was spent opening gifts (Santa wrapped everything this year), eating breakfast casserole, and lounging around the house for a few hours. I believe everyone was happy to be home doing their own thing for a while. I managed to capture (with the camera and forever imprinted on my heart) some smiles from three teens as they opened their gifts...they were pleased with all their presents. Proof you never get too old for the magic of Christmas.

Later in the day we had Christmas with my family at my parents' house. This was rather laid-back and easy this year. Partly because we had our special meal in the evening as opposed to midday. One of my favorite happenings of the evening was reading to my niece. She crawled up close to me on the couch and we read books (one particular book over and over "Press Here" ) It reminded me of times not so long ago when my children were younger and we cuddled for stories. Precious memories to cherish.

More later about holidays in Tennessee.

Well the title of this post mentions knitting. My original plan was to blog about my knitting project....guess i got a little sidetracked. I'm currently working on a striped scarf...something simple for the holidays. I'll leave you with a photo of the wip (not the best photo).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Flowers and Crochet Project

Here lately I've been treating myself to some lovely spring flowers. My way of bringing the hope of spring into my home. I love the feeling I get when I walk into the breakfast room and am greeted by a fresh bouquet of bright flowers. My family and I enjoyed some sunny yellow daffodils for a week and then some bright orange tulips. Of course I would love to have the satisfaction of growing them in my own yard and then going out to cut a bouquet. However, I've never had much luck with tulips. I did have some daffodils bloom in my back planters this year...just a handful of tiny yellow blooms.

As mentioned in a previous post, I have some crochet projects going. I am currently working on a throw. I love the colors and my kids are anxious for it to finished. It is now large enough to cover my lap and legs while crocheting. It is one those that will be comfy to cozy up in while reading a good book.

Missing Wallpaper

I arrived home from school today to find the 1976 vintage gold/mustard metallic wallpaper missing from my bathroom walls. When we moved into our home 9 years ago the only room left untouched by our renovation was the master bathroom. The thought at the time was "No one will see it but us, we can change it later". Well, nine years later and it is gone! My wonderful husband stayed home this morning with our ill daughter. Unknown by me, he started removing wallpaper. What a glorious surprise! The bathroom already looks a hundred times better. Mentally I've already started choosing paint colors, and a new shower curtain. Perhaps, I will keep a small square of that 1976 wallpaper just to remind myself not put off projects.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Well, it is hard to believe it is already the first day of March! I've been crocheting a lot this past winter. I've made several scarves, 17 heart bookmarks (for my daughter's valentine's), and currently working on two throws. I love taking a simple ball of yarn and watching it turn into something new. It all starts with a stitch and grows from there. Hope to post some photos soon!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summertime, Summertime, Summertime

Summer is here at last! As a teacher I get to enjoy the summer months with my children. Our summer is stretched before us like an open road filled with many exciting stops. My first stop was my own backyard.

I've always dreamed of having a "Southern Living" yard. I was blessed to have 2 wonderful grandmothers who happened to have very green thumbs. My desire to have a "southern living" yard is rooted in my childhood. I grew up surrounded by azaleas, gardenias, hydrangeas, camellias, and other southern plants. As a child I thought my grandmothers' yards must have been the closest thing to the Garden of Eden as one could find. I have fond memories of gathering tons of what I pretended were princess or bride bouquets, working along side my grandmothers and listening to them share about the plants they were growing in their yards. So, I long to recreate a yard that holds the same beauty, magic and memories. My mother and aunt have created similar sanctuaries, Yes, I admit I'm envious of their yards and plants. :) At last, it's my turn.

We have been in our current home for a few years and I decided this is the year to start making my dream come true. I spent my first free day of summer making a contribution to my yard. I put in a bed of inpatients around my bird feeder, some hostas under the oak trees and daisies, zinnias, pentas, and coreopsis in the planters around the deck. At the end of the day it was very satisfying to step back and enjoy my success. Of course, now the real challenge is before me...keeping all these plants alive. My dream yard is now a work in progress.

On to the next summer stop-- Vacation Bible School!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Taking My First Steps Out of Information Overload...

Last week I attended an educator's technology conference where I learned an enormous amount of information regarding integrating blogs, wikis, power points, and other forms of tech into my classroom. I find myself intrigued with all the possibilities available, but also in a state of information overload. So, tonight I took my first step out of overload mode and created a blog.
I remain uncertain regarding the purpose of this blog. Perhaps, I will use this to share thoughts and ideas related to my life -- OR-- develop this into a professional blog to share with parents, students and other teachers. However this blog develops in the days to come... I am excited about this new step!